Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...
Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad...

Lake Allround Salmon, SeaTrout & Shad 9‘6” lines 6 to 7 BFF Fly Rods™

Rod available in basic version.
Delivery time : 6 to 8 weeks for the versions with RECOIL guides option and/or additional tip.
Do not hesitate to contact me

Another multi-use line cannon, fit for a variety of angling situations. Great for migrating species like salmon, sea trout, shad. The added length is adequate for great line and drift control, especially from the bank. Waterborne casts are easy and the inherent power in the rod will help transport bigger, more voluminous flies with ease with a minimum of false casts (tube flies, bomber-type dries and all sorts of weighted streamers).
Customised in a HD "Saltwater" version (REC guides, PM Alps R-CAH15), it is also a fabulous tool to chase sea-bass, bonefish, permit....(consult me)

Line weight
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Another multi-use line cannon, fit for a variety of angling situations. Great for migrating species like salmon, sea trout, shad.
The added length is adequate for great line and drift control, especially from the bank.
Waterborne casts are easy and the inherent power in the rod will help transport bigger, more voluminous flies with ease with a minimum of false casts (tube flies, bomber-type dries and all sorts of weighted streamers).
Its power and yet nervous tip section allow the use of hybrid lines and shooting heads of all densities, everything will go right into the backing using a proper double haul technique.
Still it is great to present dry flies to cruising fish at large in lakes while still being able to use finer tippets (0,15 mm) to be able to fool the more selective fish.

My advice
This rod is a bit of a marvel and has been used to great effect at Jurassic Lake (Lago Strobel) where tackle failure must not be an option to bring those huge rainbow trout on steroids (well, on a very rich shrimp diet) at hand. Both 6 -and 7-weight lines can be used with the same ease, the rod will load a bit deeper with a 7-however. It has become my preferred single hander for our local salmon fisheries where water are more modest in size. Other uses that spring to my mind are the chase for asp, perch, European walleye, black bass as well as carp, barble and, in season, mullets when the run our larger rivers like the Loire, Garonne, Odet, etc.

Rod Building
Blank: Graphite IM10.
Finish: Golden Green Spirit, gloss
Sections: 4
Handle: Flor-grade cork (the ultimate) reversed half wells with fighting butt
Reel seat: up-locking titanium gun metal anodized aluminum with woven graphite spacer (Titan Skeleton / Woven-Clearmatte)
Guides: super hard chrome : 2 gold-lined blued stripping guide + 8 snake guides + 1 tip top.
Thread wraps: Teal with rusty red
Weight: 114 gr.
Weight tip section: 5 gr.
Accessories: black graphite rod tube (85 cm) + segmented Burlington marine blue polyester rod bag with lacing (custom made in Brittany in Morlaix).

The rod builder’s note
“Given the choice between a 10-footer and a “nineandahalf”-footer and when overhead casts are on the menu, I will invariably choose the shorter rod over the longer one! The 9-foot-six rods usually have the perfect geometry for awesome distance casting while a 10-footer has a slight tendency to either be slower in action or more tip-heavy in the same series of rods (or both!). This blank is remarkable as it can be fed both a 6- or a 7-weight line in any density and be very happy with it. Trout and salmon up to 20 plus (and well over) are absolutely no problem for this fine stick as our Argentine friends can attest.”

10 Items
1 Reviews

Je suis détenteur depuis un an de cette magnifique canne customs mer dont la finition est parfaite. Je l'utilise principalement en estuaire pour la pêche du bar: sa longueur permet de passer au-dessus des algues et de contrôler parfaitement la dérive de la mouche. Avec cette canne, je pêche à vue mais également à distance sans aucune difficulté avec une soie décentrée 6 ou 7. Elle est également par sa longueur de 9,6 très bien adaptée pour la pêche en canal pour l'alose, la perche, voire le brochet en adaptant les mouches. L'action de la canne est douce avec une grosse réserve de puissance et aucun problème pour le combat avec de gros poissons. J'ai eu la chance de prendre un bar de 82 cm sans difficulté en no kill. Le service après vente est parfait. Merci au facteur de canne et à Philippe pour tes bons conseils.
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