Jenkins' Gangly Cruncher Black...

Jenkins' Gangly Cruncher Black Barbless Tactical Series

The Black Gangly Cruncher is a pattern developed to give slightly more profile in the water, allowing it to be fished at a faster pace than your average nymph.

The extra legs on these crunchers also make it a very versatile nymph pattern, covering a wide range of fish food such as damsels, shrimps, olive nymphs, and hatching buzzer.

This black version is best fished in slightly coloured water around the margins of a lake, and is extremely effective for both stockies and grown on fish.

Fish this fly on a dropper on a floating line or midge tip with the washing line technique for best effect.

Available in both size 10 and size 12 to help you best match the hatch.

My personal and professional choice as a fly fishing guide specialising in delicate fishing stategies in lakes and reservoirs.

Hook size
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Available sizes: #10 & #12

The Jenkins' Black Gangly Cruncher is a cruncher fly designed for lake and reservoir fishing, a clever blend of nymph and wet fly that has become a must for underwater figure of eight retrieving style of fishing on floating, hover, midge tip and intermediate lines.

Depending on the variations and colours, these patterns work very well on lake olives or buzzers (chironomids)

Advice for use:
Interception fishing on moving fishes or exploration fishing with various speed of figure of eight retrieving or quasi static fishing using the washing line method with a floating fly on the point and two or three nymphs, buzzers or crunchers as droppers.

Recommended line diameters:
for underwater fishing, do not fish too thin, 0.148mm (5X) being the recommended smaller diameter but more frequently 0.185mm (4X) (type TroutHunter Fluorocarbon and Nylon Tippet, Fuling Mill World Class, Seaguar Neox)

Rod weights #5 to #7.

Best periods: Spring, summer and autumn fishing for rainbow and brown trout in lakes and reservoirs (April to end of November)

Jenkins' Gangly Cruncher Black Barbless Tactical Series (Group 2)
849010 #10
849012 #12

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