Scientific Anglers Mastery Titan WF...
Scientific Anglers Mastery Titan WF...
Scientific Anglers Mastery Titan WF...

Scientific Anglers Mastery Titan WF floating fly line for large flies (pike, predators)

The reference floating fly line for pike and other temperate climate predators.

You’ve got articulated streamers hanging from the lampshade on your desk.
You think in terms of black, white, or olive.
The term conehead doesn’t refer to an old comedy sketch.

We totally get it. And that’s why we designed the Mastery Titan.

If you have an all-encompassing need to throw big flies for big fish, then look no further. This fly line is made for you.

Line weight
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• Loads quickly and delivers the biggest flies to the furthest targets
• Excellent turnover due to short, powerful head and short front taper
• Ideal line for boat or wade fishing
• For temperate climates
• Braided multifilament core
• SA ID – SA MS TTN WF X F (X = line weight)

Head lenght: 10,2 m (WF-8-Fà WF-10-F)
Total lenght: 27,4 m

Scientific Anglers Mastery Titan WF-8-F.
Head weight: 20,1g.
AFTM weight*: 18,1g.
Ref: 120937

Scientific Anglers Mastery Titan WF-9-F.
Head weight: 23,7g.
AFTM weight*: 21,4g.
Ref: 120944

Scientific Anglers Mastery Titan WF-10-F.
Head weight: 27,2g.
AFTM weight*: 24,6g.
Ref: 120951

*AFTM weight = Gram weight for the first 30’ (9,14 m)

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