Dry flies mayflies

Dry flies mayflies
Fishing flies

CDC Spent No.2

For all your fishing with mayfly spents (dead insects with their wings flat on the surface) in rivers or lakes, you don't need to look any further than these models which have proved their worth on all the big limestone lakes and in rivers during the emergence of Mayflies (Ephemera danica)
This lovely spent was designed by Stuart Mc Teare who ran a fantastic fishing lodge in Finea in the 1990s. It is a tried and tested model on Lough Sheelin and on the vast majority of trout waters where May Fly Spent is part of the menu. The Sheelin Spent Mayfly (Mc Teare) is tied on a barbless hook.
Fishing flies

Lough Derg Spent

A superb May Fly Spent pattern for trout fishing on Lough Derg on the Shannon and on the vast majority of trout waters where May Fly Spent is part of the menu.The Lough Derg Spent is available in 2 sizes. Size 10 and size 12
Fishing flies

Spent Mayfly (Foam)

This fly is tied flat wing style.With no wound hackle it lies flat in the surface film.For this reason it is best suited to calm conditions. This fly is absolutely deadly for river fishing when the trout are exclusively focused on dead drifting insects.The Spent Mayfly (Foam) is available in 2 sizes. Size #10 & #12
Fishing flies

Aero Wing Spent Gnat

A pattern from Dennis Moss for Lough Sheelin. It is a flat style spent made with synthetic aero-wing.It will work anywhere, but the Aero Wing Spent Gnat is GREAT on Lough Sheelin.
Fishing flies

Simple Spent (Deery)

A trout fly fishing pattern from Patsy Deery's book "Irish Mayflies".The Simple Spent is an amalgamation of many trout fishing fly patterns.It can be fished with head hackles wound full circle or it can be tied using figure-of-eight style on the underside to give the spent mayfly shape to fish in dry mode.It has accounted for many big trout fishing...
Fishing flies

Inny Spent

The Inny Spent is an old Spent Mayfly pattern from Lough Erne. It is unusual in that it has a tail composed of teal flank fibres.For all your spent gnat fishing on river or lake, you need go no further than this group of patterns which have proven themselves on all the great limestone lakes, such as Lough Erne
Fishing flies

CDC Mayfly Moss

This trout fishing pattern was invented by Dennis Moss as an imitation of the Dun or the newly emerged fly.With a wing of CDC it is easy to see in any light and it holds up well in a big wave.Its initial success was on Lough Sheelin but the CDC Mayfly Moss will prove effective on any lough where mayfly hatch, and also in rivers.
The Procter's Twinkle Wing Spinner is an innovative imitation of the Mayfly Spinner and Spent (imago & spent).Developed by Paul Procter, one of Europe's leading dry fly trout fishing specialists and a renowned fishing guide.Paul says :“Many mayfly patterns are too rigid in construction. Loaded with CDC this twinkle-wing dressing possesses the busy...
The Procter's Active Mayfly Emerger is an innovative imitation of the Mayfly Dun (subimago).Developed by Paul Procter, one of Europe's leading dry fly trout fishing specialists and a renowned fishing guide.Paul says : With it’s stuck-shuck and low riding attitude this compara dun tempts those edgy trout during the early days of Duffer’s.
The Procter's Active Mayfly Emerger is an innovative imitation of the Mayfly Emerger.Developed by Paul Procter, one of Europe's leading dry fly trout fishing specialists and a renowned fishing guide. Paul says:“With a mobile marabou shuck, you’d be hard pressed to beat this pattern when mayfly are hatching off.”
Finally! A smaller version of our ever popular Mohican Mayfly.The OE Mohican May is an extended body imitation of the most easily recognised Mayfly, Ephemera danica. Match the hatch with this super realistic Mayfly pattern.Tied on the ever reliable TMC 2499 dry fly hook.Designed by Oliver Edwards.
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