The Simms Guide Wet Wading Sock is a must-have for wet wading, both in the salt and fresh water. Ideal for use in wading shoes or Flats Sneakers with a neoprene Simms Guide Guard Socks.My personal choice of professional guide, saltwater fly fishing specialist for European sea bass and tropical fisheries (Bijagos Islands, Caribbean)
Simms Guide Guard Socks are a must for wet wading, both in salt and fresh water.Ideal for use in wading shoes or Flats Sneakers with Simms Guide Wet Wading Socks. My personal choice of professional guide, saltwater fly fishing specialist for European sea bass and tropical fisheries (Bijagos Islands, Caribbean)
With the thinning of the ozone layer in many parts of the world, UV rays are increasingly aggressive to our skin, a radiation phenomenon often accentuated by reflection.... and tropical areas are not the only ones concerned.This is why it is more important than ever to protect yourself from UV rays in a systematic way.The new materials/fabrics treated...
Les chaussons de wading en néoprène Simms Flyweight sont indispensables pour la pratique du wading, en eau douce comme en eau salée. Idéal pour une utilisation avec des chaussures de wading, des Flats Sneakers (Simms) ou les chaussettes Simms Guide Wet Wading Socks.My personal choice of professional guide, saltwater fly fishing specialist for European...