Fishing flies

Fishing flies
A great new addition to the range from Fulling Mill consultant Craig McDonald. Barbless. An innovative subimago/dun imitation of Serratella ignita, the Blue Winged Olive (BWO) of our British friends.An Ephemerellidae mayfly that is very common on pristine rivers.
Fishing flies

Micro Midge Cul Barbless

When fish are taking microscopic naturals its time to scale down your tackle and reach for one of these patterns. Barbless Shuttlecock patterns, for a long time reserved for lake and reservoir fishing, have proved to be particularly effective for fine river fishing, when trout are feeding on chironomid emergents, a situation that is becoming more and more...
Fishing flies

JL Mole Cul Barbless

Jeremy Lucas' version of a CdC Shuttlecock, a great pattern to use when the fish are taking any kind of emerger. Barbless Shuttlecock patterns, for a long time reserved for lake and reservoir fishing, have proved to be particularly effective for fine river fishing, when trout are feeding on chironomid emergents, a situation that is becoming more and more...
The Deer Hair Emerger Barbless is a very effective fly on selective fish on the surface or in the film on emerging chironomids.It is also very effective when fish are feeding on very small insects emerging in the surface film.My choice of professional guide specialising in wild trout and grayling fishing in rivers.
Fishing flies

Hump Back Cul Barbless

The Hump Back Cul is a very effective fly on selective fish on the surface or in the film on emerging chironomids. It is also very effective when fish are feeding on very small insects emerging in the surface film.My choice of professional guide specialising in wild trout and grayling fishing in rivers.
Fishing flies

Muddled Daddy Longlegs

The combination of a muddler head and mobile legs on this pattern make it very attractive to trout when pulled through the waves as a wake fly.It is mostly fished dry (highly effective for lake evening hatch) but equally effective sub surface and produces violent attacks.A pattern that can also be very effective in rivers for wild trout and works wonders...
Daddy Real Orange (Foam)
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Fishing flies

Daddy Real Orange (Foam)

The essential dry fly for fishing lakes and reservoirs.An ultra-realistic imitation of a crane fly/daddy.The bright orange extended body increases the visibility of this pattern for the angler.The lifelike legs, wings and extended body mean that stillwater trout cannot resist it, especially when the surface of the water is wrinkled, or even animated by a...
Fishing flies

Daddy Real Black

The essential dry fly for fishing lakes and reservoirs.An ultra-realistic imitation of a crane fly/daddy. Can be effective when Hawthorn flies and other black bugs are on the surface.The lifelike legs, wings and extended body mean that trout  cannot resist it, especially when the surface of the water is wrinkled, or even animated by a nice wave or...
Sinking daddy longlegs with gold bead heads are very successful on clear stalking waters and will often take even the most wary of trout.A hugely popular mobile pattern accounting for countless fish every year.A very effective fly pattern on “fresh” fish (stockies), which first react to the “plop” of the impact of the artificial on the water, then are...
Fishing flies

Yellow Foam Daddy

The Yellow Foam Daddy is a great pattern to fish when daddies are present.Fish one or two on the same cast and cover rising fish, leave static and wait for the take!It's also a great pattern to fish on the washing line.
Fishing flies

Daddy Real (Foam)

The essential dry fly for fishing lakes and reservoirs.An ultra-realistic imitation of a crane fly/daddy. The lifelike legs, wings and extended body mean that trout (those from the Drennec lake and others) cannot resist it, especially when the surface of the water is wrinkled, or even animated by a nice wave or slightly drowned.
Fishing flies

Dad's Daddy Natural

An essential dry fly for fishing lakes and reservoirs. An imitation of a crane fly/daddy. The ultra-realistic legs, wings and body mean that trout cannot resist it, especially when the surface of the water is wrinkled, or even animated by a nice wave. A best seller. Sometimes it pays to change to a different colour fly if fish a failing to rise.Dads...
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