Fishing flies

Fishing flies
Spiders wet flies

Caddis Spider Green FMF

Spiders have seen a new age of popularity in recent years and are a good choice at the beginning of a hatch when insects are coming off but no fish are rising.Will work in both stillwaters and rivers.This pattern imitating caddis and other emerging Trichoptera with green abdomen is very effective in rivers in spring, but also in lakes.Retrieve gently...
Emergers lakes/reservoirs

Escargot flottant (Floating Snail) FMF

Freshwater snails (limnae, planorbes, physids and other aquatic gastropods) can sometimes form an important part of the diet of trout in lakes, reservoirs and fisheries. Snails can sometimes float just under the surface and drift on the current or with the wind, if you see trout rising and no insects are hatching try one of theseFishing tips: Use a...
Terrestrials dries

Coch-y-Bonddu Beetle FMF

The Coch-y-Bonddu imitates both aquatic beetles and terrestrial species that have fallen into a stream.The name is Welsh in origin and translates roughly to “red and black”, which describes a common terrestrial bee­tle of the UK that the fly imitates (Phyllopertha horticola).  The Coch-y-Bonddu beetle isn't about for long, but when it hatches the fishing...
Terrestrials dries

Foam Beetle (Carnhill's) FMF

A generic dark beetle model for when fish catch unidentified land animals on the water surface. This foam pattern is unsinkable. Developed and popularized by Bob Carnhill†, an English fly-tying master specializing in stillwater fishing and author of numerous books on the subject, this fly has proved particularly effective for river fishing. With its soft...
Terrestrials dries

Beetle Hi-Float FMF

If ants and beetles start blowing onto a lake or falling into a stream in summer the trout can become preoccupied on them.The Beetles Hi-Float FMF come in a variety of sizes but all are equally effective on their day.A simple yet effective beetle imitation, when these terrestrial insects are brought to the surface of the water by a gust of wind.A classic...
Terrestrials dries

Target Beetle Pink FMF

The Target Beetle Pink is a generic dark beetle pattern that has a bright pink sight indicator at the head making it easy to see in low light conditions.Use when fish are taking dark terrestrials from the surface. This foam pattern is unsinkable.
Terrestrials dries

Kicking Beetle Peacock FMF

A best seller. A generic dark beetle pattern with legs for times when fish are taking unidentified terrestrials from the waters surface.This foam pattern is unsinkable.Thorax in peacock-finish dubbing for added realismThe Kicking Beetle is also a good fly for late-season grayling fishing.Try it also to seduce rainbow trout in fisheries and other...
Beetle Hi-Vis Brown Foam FMF
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Terrestrials dries

Beetle Hi-Vis Brown Foam FMF

If ants and beetles start blowing onto a lake or falling into a stream in summer the trout can become preoccupied on them.These bugs come in a variety of sizes but all are equally effective on their day.A simple yet effective beetle imitation, when these terrestrial insects are brought to the surface of the water by a gust of wind.A classic and essential...
Terrestrials dries

Beetle Hi-Vis Black Foam FMF

If ants and beetles start blowing onto a lake or falling into a stream in summer the trout can become preoccupied on them.These bugs come in a variety of sizes but all are equally effective on their day.A simple yet effective beetle imitation, when these terrestrial insects are brought to the surface of the water by a gust of wind.A classic and essential...
The Retirer Hi Vis Sedge, based on the brilliant Elk Hair Caddis, is an excellent Sedge pattern, highly imitative and also very buoyant due to it's wing of both deer hair and poly yarn and now including an easy-see sighter post. Barbless FMF Tactical River Dry Flies Series
Ideal for use with a dropper rig to support a nymph (dry/nymph fishing technique), the Croston's Mass Attack is imitative enough to decide trout and grayling interested in drifting sedges (Trichoptera) A must-have model inspired by the famous Tabanas (Tavanas in Provencal) for prospecting fast-flowing waters.
The McPhail Bubble Wing Chocolate Drop Barbless is a great general caddis imitation.The chocolate colour represents many sedges that may be present, whilst the horns and CDC Bubble wing gives a great outline on the surface. Tied on the Fulling Mill Barbless dry fly hook.Designed by Fulling Mill fly designer, Davie McPhail.
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